
Lectora button show hide picture
Lectora button show hide picture

lectora button show hide picture

  • If any input fields have a CAPTCHA feature, provide an alternative which is not based on visual recognition, e.g.
  • if they are used only for decoration or for spacing.
  • Stop a screen reader from reading alt text for images which do not add meaning to the eLearning resource e.g.
  • lectora button show hide picture

    And just like we did last time, you will disinherit the courses next button by clicking on the Page Properties: Inherit settings, and then copy and paste a new next. display message action or go to an external pop-up window).

    lectora button show hide picture

    Many authoring tools provide multimedia assets with this functionality built in, but you may need to test the output with a screen reader to check this. There are other ways to inform your users that theres more information available that hasnt been accessed, (i.e. This is so that when a screen reader gets to the asset (before it starts playing), it tells the screen reader user that there is an audio track or video on the page.

  • Provide alt text for embedded multimedia assets e.g.
  • Normally you only need to add alt text for navigation controls if you add them manually. Many authoring tools provide navigation controls with this functionality built in, but you may need to test the output with a screen reader to check this.
  • Provide alt text for navigation controls which are not automatically recognised by a screen reader.
  • ‘Search’ instead of ‘Magnifying glass icon’. Make sure the alt text explains the function of the image i.e.
  • Provide alt text for any images in the resource which are functional i.e.
  • Provide alt text for complex images such as charts, graphs, diagrams and illustrations.
  • Provide alt text for all images which add meaning to the eLearning resource.

  • Lectora button show hide picture